Tomáš Koch takes a degree in Historical sciences on Faculty of Art at Masaryk University. He is author of Jankow1645 publication an in his portfolio we can found fair number of articles about military history of first half of 17th century published in various Czech historical magazines for general public. These days he is working on publication not only of “Erdhart 1645” but more not-yet-revealed books.
Milan Madlenák is long time re-enactment and historical fencing enthusiast. He was trying many different “eras” of re-enactment from middle ages to Napoleonic wars, but finally he stopped at 17th century military. His main interest lay in material culture of early modern Europe. Primary he is experimenting not only with replicas of military equipment of Thirty years war era, but also with fishing equipment of 16th century era from middle Europe. The best view on his re-enactment adventures you can get on Instagram profile @common_reenactors.
Both authors share more than 10 years’ experience with living history and re-enactment. They are not afraid of long researches to achieve historically accurate projects. They don’t stop from experimenting with their own health and body. They know, what is to sleep through extreme cold only in historical clothing, and what mean to worn shoes during marching. In year of 2001 both commanded the experimental unit of about 160 people and test the true historical tactics of Thirty years war era.
Now their target is publication of “Erdhart 1645”
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